Advantage Flea Treatment
For the prevention and treatment of flea infestations on cats and dogs and for the treatment of biting lice on dogs. For the treatment of flea infestation on pet rabbits.
Advantage also has an environmental larvicidal effect which helps control the flea lifecycle in the pet’s surroundings wherever the treated pet goes.
Fleas are killed within 24 hours of treatment. One treatment prevents further flea infestation on dogs for up to four weeks, three to four weeks on cats and up to one week on pet rabbits. The product can be used as part of a treatment strategy for flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) in the cat and the dog where this has previously been diagnosed by a veterinary surgeon.
Treatment should be repeated after four weeks.
Re-infestation from emergence of new fleas in the environment may continue to occur for six weeks or longer after treatment is initiated. More than one treatment may therefore be required, depending on the level of fleas in the environment. To aid reduction in environmental challenge, the additional use of a suitable environmental treatment against adult fleas and developing stages is recommended. In order to reduce further the environmental challenge, it is recommended that all cats, dogs and rabbits in the household are treated.
The product remains effective if the animal becomes wet, for example after exposure to heavy rain or after swimming (dogs). However, re-treatment may become necessary, depending on the presence of fleas in the environment. In these cases do not treat more frequently than once weekly.
When you treat a nursing bitch or queen with Advantage, the whole litter acquires protection against fleas. Advantage can be used on puppies and kittens from 8 weeks of age, and young rabbits from the age of 10 weeks.