Nexmectin Paste Horse Wormer
Indications for use
Treatment of nematode or arthropod infection due to:
Large strongyles: • Strongylus vulgaris (adults and L4 stage larvae [arterial]) • Strongylus edentatus (adults and L4 stage larvae [tissue]) • Strongylus equinus (adults)
Small strongyles (including benzimidazole resistant strains): • Cyathostomum spp. (adults and luminal L4 stage larvae) • Cylicocyclus spp. (adults and luminal L4 stage larvae) • Cylicodontophorus spp. (adults and luminal L4 stage larvae) • Cylicostephanus spp. (adults and luminal L4 stage larvae) • Gyalocephalus spp. (adults and luminal L4 stage larvae)
Ascarids: • Parascaris equorum (luminal L5 larvae and adults)
Pinworms: • Oxyuris equi (L4 stage larvae and adults)
Neck threadworms: • Onchocerca spp. (microfilariae)
Stomach bots: • Gasterophilus spp. (oral and gastric stages)
Dosage: One syringe division of paste per 100 kg body weight (based on a recommended dosage of 200 µg ivermectin per kg body weight). The syringe containing 7.49 g of paste delivers sufficient paste to treat 700 kg of bodyweight at the recommended dose rate.
Administration: The paste is given by oral route. To ensure administration of a correct dose, body weight should be determined as accurately as possible. The animal’s mouth should be free from food to ensure swallowing. Turn the screw gauge on the syringe plunger to the body weight of the horse. The tip of the syringe barrel should be inserted at the interdental space (the gap between the front and back teeth) and the paste deposited on the base of the tongue. Advance the plunger as far as it will go, depositing the medication on the base of the tongue. Immediately elevate the horse’s head for a few seconds to ensure swallowing.
Bulk Discounts
Qty | Price |
5 - 10 | £5.02 |
10 - 20 | £4.92 |
20 - 39 | £4.82 |
40 + | £4.72 |